5 Common Signs Your Fortuna Foothills Home Has Dirty Ducts

Your system’s ductwork play an important role. They deliver air throughout the rooms in your Fortuna Foothills, Arizona, home and provide a comfortable atmosphere. However, ducts tend to become overloaded with dirt, dust, and other debris. If you notice these warning signs, your ducts need to be cleaned.

Dirt and Dust Around the Vents

When you spot dirt and dust accumulating on the vents and registers, this is a clear indication of dirty ducts. When they’re overloaded, the indoor air quality in your home will drop, often causing allergic reactions and symptoms like congestion, sore throats, eye irritation, and headaches. Additionally, dirty vents can reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system, forcing the unit to work harder to deliver heated and cooled air.

Energy Bill Spikes

If your energy bill spikes from one month to the next, your ducts could be to blame. When air can’t move freely through them, the system uses more energy to heat and cool the space. As a result, you may notice a sharp increase due to the excess energy waste.

Unpleasant Odors

When your air conditioner or furnace is running, you shouldn’t smell any strong odors. If you do catch a whiff of something unpleasant, the culprit could be hiding in the ducts. Musty odors can indicate the presence of moisture, while foul smells could come from rodent droppings or an insect infestation in the ducts.

Inconsistent Airflow

If the airflow in your bedroom is different than the airflow in your bathroom, then that might be a sign that you need to get your ducts cleaned. All of the vents in your room should be open, so you can receive consistent airflow throughout your home. If you suspect that your ducts need to be cleaned, then call a professional.

A technician will be able to inspect your ducts and get to the root of the problem. They will come up with a solution and have your system operating at peak efficiency in no time.

Keep it Clean

If you notice any of these warning signs in your home, or you want to avoid them, make sure to keep up with regular duct cleaning. This service is handled by a skilled HVAC professional and involves using strong suction to remove the trapped dirt, dust, pollen, pet hair, dander, and any other contaminants.

At Quick Refrigeration, we offer duct cleaning services you can rely on. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Image provided by Shutterstock

Originally published in Nov. 2018, updated in March 2020

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