Does It Matter Where You Position Your Thermostat in Yuma, AZ?

Many homeowners believe they can position their thermostats just about anywhere in the home. While this may technically be correct, placing your thermostat in certain areas could have a huge impact on your comfort, bills, and HVAC system efficiency. Keep this helpful info in mind when planning your next thermostat replacement in Yuma, AZ.

Choose the Main Bedroom or Living Area

Finding the right place to put your thermostat will decrease the impact of external factors on your HVAC system. Drafts and hot spots can affect your furnace’s cycles, increasing your need for heating service. Consider finding a place in your living room, dining area, or main bedroom.

Your thermostat will read the temperature in your chosen room and keep it at the maximum comfort level. This placement option also ensures you always have access to your thermostat and temperature controls.

Interior Walls Are Ideal

Find a clear wall area on your first floor toward the center of the home. Installing your thermostat on the second floor can work for some but often just leaves your device susceptible to rising heat. Placing it in a central area limits the possibility of inconsistent temperatures like hot and cold spots.

Avoid Vents, Windows, Doors, and Closets

Your home is full of areas influenced by external air. Avoid placing your thermostat anywhere near a window or door. Drafty areas cool the air around your thermostat, which will tell it to turn your furnace on more frequently than necessary.

Small areas like closets or side rooms won’t accurately represent the temperature you want in your home. Choose a wall out of direct sunlight in an unobstructed area.

Installing your thermostat on a central wall of your home is sure to boost your indoor comfort this winter. Call the experienced professionals at Quick Refrigeration for reliable, high-quality HVAC services in Yuma, AZ.

Image provided by iStock

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