3 Tips for Boosting Commercial HVAC Efficiency in Yuma, AZ

Every company cares about its bottom line. At the same time, customer and employee comfort is extremely important. However, there is simply no need to pay excessively high heating, cooling, and ventilation costs. Here are some simple ways that business owners in Yuma, AZ can boost the efficiency of their commercial HVAC systems.

1. Never Neglect HVAC Maintenance

It’s practically impossible to emphasize the critical importance of periodic HVAC maintenance too strongly. Without maintenance, evaporator and condenser coils will become coated in grime, refrigerant may leak out, and furnace burners may jam with soot, among other problems. All of these things will adversely impact overall HVAC efficiency.

The purpose of maintenance is to minimize the issues that naturally tend to wear down and degrade HVAC systems over time. Maintenance checks also allow your service technician to discover potentially serious problems before they have a chance to progress. In any case, the aim is to keep system efficiency and performance at an optimal level.

2. Change Your Air Filter Often

Nearly all HVAC maintenance tasks should be performed by a qualified service technician. The changing of air filters is one of the few exceptions to this rule. You should change or clean your HVAC system’s air filter at least every 1-3 months, depending on the age and condition of your facilities as well as the needs of your clients and staff.

3. Install a Modern Thermostat

Programmable thermostats let you set a schedule for the temperatures your HVAC system gets your building to, but smart thermostats can take things even further. At their simplest, many modern thermostats let you control your HVAC system remotely, which is great for monitoring temperatures when you’re away from the office. Today’s smart thermostats even have learning capabilities and can adapt to your business’s needs to maximize energy efficiency.

With a few simple actions, your business in Yuma, AZ can save money on indoor comfort and focus more time and resources on pleasing your customers. For help getting the most out of your HVAC system, just call Quick Refrigeration today and schedule your next HVAC service appointment

Image provided by iStock

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